



<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2023年春>
① 財政制約下における線区の廃止を考慮した鉄道ネットワークに対する最適運賃補助施策
Optimal fare subsidy measures for a railway network considering the elemination of line sections under fiscal constraints
② 大規模ネットワークでの複数時間帯の交通状態推定の演算効率化
Improved computational efficiency of traffic srate estimation for multiple time periods on large road networks
③ 経路選択仮定に依存しないトラフィックカウンター配置問題
Independent of route selection behavior assumptions traffic counting location problem
④ 決定木モデルに基づく機械学習を用いた平成30年7月豪雨における住民の避難行動の要因分析
An analysis of resident evacuation behavior in the July 2018 heavy disaster using machine learning based on decision tree models

<卒業論文(Graduation Thesis) 2022年春>
① 特定条件下での完全自動運転車と手動運転車の混在流における需要変動型交通量配分モデル
Traffic Assignment Model with Variable Demand for Mixed Flow of Fully Autonomous and Manual Driving Vehicles under Specific Conditions
② 空港-主要都市間の公共交通ネットワークにおける交通配分モデル
Allocation problems in public transportation networks between airports and major cities
③ 旅客と航空会社の行動を考慮した空港間競争モデル
Inter-airport competition model considering passenger and airline behavior
④ 北海道-本州間の貨物輸送におけるマルチモーダルネットワーク配分モデル
A study on a multi-modal traffic assignment model for freight flows
⑤ 旅客のマルチクラス均衡配分を内生化した航空市場分析モデル
Airline Market Analysis Model with Endogenized Multi-class Equilibrium Allocation of Passengers
⑥ 経路選択仮定に依存しない特定コミュニティへの流入交通捕捉リンクデザイン問題
Inbound Traffic Capturing Link Design Problem for a Specific Community Without Route Selection Assumptions
⑦ 交通需要低下時における道路縮減を考慮したネットワークデザイン問題
Network Design Problem Considering Road Shrinking at a Time of Decreasing Traffic Demand
⑧ 非負値テンソル因子分解を用いたR3 冬の札幌圏大雪における断面交通量分析
Section Traffic Data Analysis of Heavy Snowfall in Sapporo Area in the Winter of 2022 using Non-negative Tensor Factorization                                 ⑨ 交通結節点検討のためのグラフスパナーデザイン問題
Graph spanner design problem for traffic nodal placement


<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2022年春>
① 孤立脆弱性の概念による接続性強化のための道路ネットワークデザイン問題
Connectivity enhancement network design problem for emergency receiving bases; On the concept of isolation vulnerability
② MaaS普及下における複数モードの乗継ぎが最適バス路線計画に与える影響分析
An Analysis of the Impact of Multi-mode Transit in MaaS Services on Optimal Bus Network Planning

<卒業論文(Graduation Thesis) 2022年春>
① 経路選択を考慮したグリッドロック回避モデルの開発
Development of a Gridlock Avoidance Model Considering Drivers’ Route Choices
② 高速道路上の完全自動運転化を前提とする確率的時間価値の異質性を考慮した交通量配分モデル
Traffic Assignment Model with Heterogeneity of Stochastic Value of Time under Completely Autonomous Driving on Expressway
③ 動的ネットワークにおける共有型自動運転車の最適運用問題
Optimal Operation Problem of Shared Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic Networks
④ 旅客の意思決定を考慮した空港容量拡張計画の最適化
Optimization of Airport Capacity Expansion Planning Considering Passenger’s Decision Making
⑤ 複数モードを考慮した最適浸水一次避難計画手法の開発
Flood Evacuation Optimization under Multiple Transportation Modes
⑥ 2点間旅行距離を増大させる破損リンク集合特定手法の開発
Finding Method for Link Failure Combination Causing Huge Impact in Travel Time Between a Node Pair
⑦ 生活必需施設の配置と住民のトリップに着目したグラフカットに基づく 生活圏検出手法の構築
Living Area Detection Method Using Graph Cuts Focusing on the Allocation of Essential Facilities and Residents’ Trips
⑧ Gomory-Hu木に基づくコミュニティセントロイドへのノード集約によるネットワーク縮約手法の構築
A Network Contraction Method based on Gomory-Hu Tree with Node Aggregation to Community Centroid

<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2021年秋>
① Bi-level Optimization of Pavement Management Model Using Simulated Annealing Considering User Route Choices Under Stochastic User Equilibrium


<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2021年春>
① 自動運転車両普及過程における移動時間信頼性を考慮したマルチクラス交通量配分モデルの開発
Development of a multi-class traffic assignment model considering travel time reliability in the spreading process of automated vehicles

② Kinematic Wave理論を用いたライドシェア避難モデル
Rideshare evacuation model using kinematic wave theory

③ Optimal station location of capacity-limited dockless bike-sharing system with elastic demand

<卒業論文(Graduation Thesis) 2021年春>
① 交通観測データの欠測を考慮した複数時間帯における道路ネットワーク交通状態推定
Traffic state estimation in road networks with multiple time zones using incomplete observation data
② 鉄道ネットワーク維持のための政府負担を最小化する運賃補助スキームの開発
Development of a Fare Subsidy Scheme to Minimize the Government Expenditure for Maintaining Railway Networks
③ 積雪寒冷地域における冬季の路面状況が 交通流の確率的特性に及ぼす影響に関する分析
Analysis on the effects of stochastic property of traffic flow on the winter road condition in snowy-cold regions
④ コミュニティ分割手法の道路ネットワークへの適用に関する基礎的検討
A basic study on the application of community partitioning methods to road networks
⑤ 降下方向ベクトル計算へのランダム性の導入による利用者均衡配分の演算効率化
Acceleration of User Equilibrium Assignment by Introduction of Randomness into Descending Vector Calculation
⑥ カスケード故障を用いた鉄道ネットワーク廃線波及モデル構築
Constructing an Abandoned Line Ripple Model for Railway Networks by Using Cascading Failures

<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2020年秋>
① Optimal deployment of connected and autonomous vehicle links under stochastic demand


<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2020年春>
① リンク間相関を考慮した道路ネットワークにおける途絶継続時間推定モデル
Estimation of Closure Duration Considering Correlation of the Number of Closures Between Links in Road Networks

<卒業論文/Graduation thesis 2020年春>
① 大規模修繕・更新に伴う規制スケジュール計画最適化のためのネットワークデザイン問題
A Network Design Problem for towards to Optimize Traffic Restriction Schedule of Long-term Road Facilities Rehabilitation

② 社会的費用を最小化する二段階バスネットワークデザインモデル
A two-stage bus network design problem aim for minimizing social cost

③ スマートフォンアプリGNSSデータを用いた京都市内の観光流動分析
An Analysis on Tourist Excursion Pattern in Kyoto City Using GNSS Data from Smartphone App

④ 利用者費用を考慮した公的医療施設の統廃合問題分析
Consolidation Problem of Public Medical Facilities Considering User Cost

⑤ 渋滞の影響を考慮したライドシェア避難モデルに関する研究
Optimal Evacuation Model Considering Ride Sharing and Traffic Jam

⑥ 高速鉄道と航空会社の協力関係が社会的便益に与える影響
Effects of Cooperation between High Speed Rail and Airline on Social Benefit

<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2019年秋>
① Optimum fare estimation of ridesourcing service considering travelers’ mode choice behaviour: Case Study in Jakarta area


<修士論文(Master Thesis) 2019年春>
Development of a Tourist Excursion Behavior Model Incorporating Trip Chain

Traffic State Estimation in a Road Network by Using Incomplete Traffic Data

<卒業論文/Graduation thesis 2019年春>
A Study on Pricing of Bike Sharing System based on Disaggregated Behavior Model

A Ride Sharing Evacuation Model Considering Mixed Traffic of Vehicles and pedestrians

Estimation of Travel Time Reduction Benefit Considering Travel Time Reliability in an Autonomous Vehicles Prevailed Road Network

A study on effects of a cash-back system in the rail transportation market on social welfare


<修士論文/Master thesis 2018年春>
An evacuation behavior model considering water level prediction under water disaster

A study on the effects of introduction of airport privatization on airline networks

A traffic assignment model based on the certainty equivalent of link flows

④Modeling of air pollution emitted from an urban road network

An optimal allocation problem of emergency vehicles under uncertainties

<卒業論文/Graduation thesis 2018年春>
A study on firm’s location choice behavior in introducing satellite offices

Estimation of closure duration considering correlation between link closures in road networks


<卒業論文/Graduation thesis>
Effect of introduction of satellite office in a depopulated regions on economics

Fundamental analysis on the influence of amenities on population

A study on the creation of detailed household data in order to clarify child-hearing household



A study on evacuation bahavior model considering updata of weather information under water sisaster


<卒業論文/Graduation thesis>
A study on firms’ location choice behavior in consideration of supply chain

Estimating the economic effects of Hokkaido international platform using a multi-regional applied equilibrium model

A study on optimum upgrade plan for a road section considering travel time reliability in the case of a flood

An optimum allocation of temporary gathering locations to a household under the risks of flood and landslide

Evaluation of optimum rehabilitation plan for a road infrastructure considering the uncertainties of deterioration and travel time

A study on a household’s location choice model considering behavior choices of a woman


修士論文/Master thesis>
A study on firm and household location distribution Micro Simulation Model considering disaster risk

A study on total cost minimization toward improving bus company red operation considering incentive bonus institution

<卒業論文/Graduation thesis>
A study on the estimation of value of time and time reliability with endogenous route choice behavior

注. このページに掲載していない論文もあります。